ideas for fundraisers
Last update 7/7/11 8:11AM

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Thanks to your help I am a step closer to my dream :)
It is an amazing blessing to have all of your support. And thank you to those who have shared the link with friends.

I only have $166 more to go!

If you know about someone who needs help with their study abroad process or would like to receive more information about SDSU, send them over my way, I am more than happy to help.

Lots of love and blessings to all of you!

Almost gone!

My departure date is quickly approaching and, as expected, I’ve been frequently asked the same old question “are you ready?”
To be honest with myself, I am far from being ready, and even further from being excited.

I have been experiencing many changes recently, most of them in emotional aspects of my life since I’ve been growing closer to my friends and family. I see this process as something that should happen regardless of my departure, but in the back of my head I know this is all developing as a consequence of this trip. I have also been reflecting a lot on many things, a lot of them have to do with my academic plan, and other things are related to my overall experience at my university. I now find myself walking around campus, breathing deeply and smiling for no reason other the memories of this past amazing year. It has become hard for me to realize how fast time moves, and that soon I’ll be graduating (and paying back my loans).

On another note, I have been searching for a couch for the past days (through, and I have not found anyone just yet. I am hoping I can work something with one of my friend’s relative, or find an honest host soon.

Anyways, even when excitement has not fully kicked in yet, I am feeling more and more blessed by the minute. I am sure the idea will hit me as soon as I step on that plane to Peru.